Congratulations! You made it!

(If you’ve been skipping ahead, congratulations too. You’re obviously super keen and I know you’ll go back to absorb those previous lessons when you’re ready.)

Here’s what you should do next

1. Relax!

Take a break and give your brain some time to absorb everything.

2. Play

I know I talk a lot about being focused and not wasting time reporting on things that don’t matter, but playing around is one of the best ways to learn.

Set a timer, choose a report, and go for it! As long as you aren’t in the Admin section – you cannot break your Google Analytics.

3. Think about your goals and questions

Remember that your GA reports won’t give you insights by magic: you have to know what questions to ask by first thinking about what’s important to you and your business.

4. Start to learn Google Analytics 4

GA4 will be the only version of Google Analytics available as at 1 July 2023, and it’ll be here before we know it! Get started by learning more about it and checking if you can connect your ecommerce platform already.