The Secret of Professional Analysts is Segmentation (and it’s easy!)

I think I’m lucky. I get to talk to people about digital analytics almost every day. (Hey, it’s fun for me, ok?)

But over the years I’ve noticed something a bit silly.

Everyone’s always talking about how to measure more stuff and see more reports.

They need to capture every movement of every visitor.
They want to dip their fingers into a swirling ocean of numbers.
They’re desperate for a veritable avalanche of interactive charts straight off the set of Minority Report.

And it’s all a complete waste of time if you don’t know how to take the next step.

The most important work you will do in Analytics isn’t setting up traffic attribution or installing dashboardsIt’s actually analysing your data.

And wow, can that be a daunting prospect! Where on earth do you start? What should you look at first? How do you know when something is important and what can you even do about it??

Luckily, there’s a simple place to start and it’s called segmentation. It’s the bread and butter of analysis, is super easy to learn and will make finding those important insights so much easier.

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Understand your Etsy audience with Google Analytics Demographics

OUT OF DATE: These instructions were originally provided for Universal Analytics. This version of Google Analytics is no longer available.

The equivalent feature in Google Analytics 4 is now Google Signals. Learn more about enabling and using Google Signals in GA4 (InfoTrust).

Google Analytics lets us see all sorts of interesting things about our visitors, like where they came from, what city they’re in, or what search term they used. But there’s a whole bunch of information that you’ve probably never seen!


Yep, that’s gender, age & interests straight into your Analytics reports!

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